No 2 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 4
- URL:
Published 28.06.2024
Full Issue
Pedagogical Sciences
Special aspects of university students’ perception of the phenomenon of digitalization based on two-dimensional analysis of predictors of education computerization and informatization: research methods
In the context of the transition of the education system to the digitalization stage, Russian universities are faced with the task of developing and using new digital resources, tools, technologies and models of electronic digital learning, on the one hand, and finding optimal modes for integrating existing didactic systems with new digital platforms, environments, systems and processes, on the other hand. The author developed a methodology for studying university students’ perception of the phenomenon of digitalization based on a multi-level analysis of predictors of the informatization and computerization results achieved by universities. The paper presents the results of a multidimensional predictive analysis of assessments of the conformity of equipment, technologies, devices, gadgets, objects, resources, technologies and tools related, in the opinion of respondents, to the subject areas/processes of computerization, informatization and digitalization based on the author’s system of prognostic predictors – relative indexes of distributed in a two-dimensional array of vertical and horizontal indicators of mutual influence/activity/involvement of objects/resources/processes of computerization, informatization and digitalization assessed by respondents. The main research method was a digital survey, in which 369 students of various training programs of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping took place. As realized by the participants, the main basis of the digitalization process is the informatization and computerization processes. According to respondents, the computerization, informatization and digitalization processes turned out to be linearly related to each other. However, the study identified nonlinear deviations in bivariate estimates for a number of indicators. In particular, differences were found in assessments of some significant predictors among students of the humanities and communications and technology training programs.

Learning by teaching: an outside-the-classroom approach
The paper covers the issue of applying the learning by teaching method outside the classroom as an effective tool for the formation of academic (linguistic and transferrable) and life skills, positive personality traits and the popularisation of socially significant values among students of non-linguistic fields of study. The study is based on an experiment, the participants of which were 20 first-year students of Nevinnomyssk Technological Institute studying in the specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”. The experiment was guided by the author of the paper. During the experiment, which lasted two academic semesters (from September 2023 to December 2023), participants helped students (at the ages from 8 to 14 years) of a local boarding school with their homework. The purpose of the study was to identify academic and non-academic skills that can be acquired and improved through teaching practice. The results of the experiment were collected and processed using the narrative interview method (sharing experiences through answering a question) and showed the presence of both academic and transferrable skills. Thanks to the outside-the-classroom circumstances (living and learning conditions in a boarding school), participants were immersed in an environment of social-emotional learning, and noted the benefits of this experience both for future professional activities and for everyday life. Despite certain academic and non-academic difficulties that the participants and organisers encountered in the process of practical application of this method, it turned out to be productive, and the author recommends its use when learning and teaching other academic disciplines.

The use of texts of Russian folk songs in teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university
The professional activities of the Arts faculty graduates are largely associated with the promotion of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. This research paper reveals the potential of the discipline “Foreign Language” in teaching values of Russian folk culture to the university students. The purpose of the study is to consider the possibility of using translations of Russian folk songs lyrics in foreign language classes. The Russian folk songs served as a basis for improving language skills and abilities, as well as introducing the students to the national picture of the world displayed in the lyrics, to their imagery and symbolism. The paper outlines three stages of working with the songs, including pre-text, text and post-text tasks. Different types of assignments for each stage are presented. Apart from the development of receptive and productive language skills, the given tasks help analyze the ways of transmitting specific words, images, symbols, lexical and syntactic expressive means by means of the English language. While doing the proposed assignments, the students get acquainted with the rich Russian cultural heritage. As the study has proven, the use of song lyrics contributes to the development of students’ creative abilities, increases their motivation to learn a foreign language, and facilitates acquisition of general and professional competencies of future cultural workers. The assignments presented in the article have practical application and can be used in foreign language classes for students of different academic programmes.

Research on the influencing factors and transmission mechanism of rural teachers’ retention
To solve the problem of rural teacher retention, it is necessary to systematically explore its influencing factors from the perspectives of theory, policy and technology, find the realistic starting point for improvement, and put forward the optimization path for the operation of retention strategy. Based on 4746 data collected from 10 regions in Heilongjiang province of China, this paper makes an in-depth study on the influencing factors, and transmission mechanism of rural teacher retention. The results show that: (1) There is a significant correlation between teachers’ professional quality, organizational commitment, matching degree and compensation intensity, and rural teachers’ retention, and organizational commitment is the most influential factor. (2) The professional quality of teachers significantly affects the retention of rural teachers through the mediating effect of organizational commitment, and matching degree. (3) Compensation intensity plays a significant moderating role in the influence of teachers’ professional quality on organizational commitment, matching degree and retention of rural teachers, and the positive moderating effect of low compensation intensity is stronger. In order to retain rural teachers better, it is necessary to provide strong support conditions, and enhance the level of teachers’ organizational commitment. Enhance the matching degree between teachers and rural environment in multiple dimensions. The data system of rural teachers’ human resources should be established, and appropriate compensation policies should be formulated.