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The paper covers the topical issue of searching for means of quality improvement of vocational (which includes foreign language) training of future and acting aviation specialists in order to ensure the high level of flight operating safety. The search is determined by the strengthening of the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to the level of English proficiency established in the year 2008. In the year 2011, the Russian Federation joined the countries where the ICAO requirement for a minimum acceptable level of English proficiency of aviation specialists came into effect. The authors suppose that it is possible to achieve good level of “Comprehension” criteria according to the ICAO scale only in case of development of rather a high level of auditive competence of military aviation high school students; that is why the authors consider the issue of improvement of the process of teaching professionally oriented listening as one of the key forms of oral activity of aviation specialists. For this purpose, the authors suggested using genre approach to the selection and application of aviation messages as the base of the teaching process. According to the genre approach, the aviation messages are the set of typical components of content formed into the topically closed structures. The authors suppose that the conversance of the students with texts samples of various aviation messages genres, the explanation of their structural, semantic, and characteristic linguistic properties will facilitate the awareness and comprehension of other texts of the same genres. The paper describes the algorithm of work with texts of the aviation messages genres using the informative-communicative and audiovisual aids in teaching.

About the authors

Yuliya Anatolievna Nikitina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair “Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures”

Russian Federation

Yuliya Viktorovna Suslova

Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force “Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” (branch in Syzran), Syzran


senior teacher of Chair of foreign languages

Russian Federation


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