The model of learning and cognitive motivation development by means of multylingual education of high school students

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The paper studies the role of language for pedagogy in general and the formation of the student's personality in particular. In the modern world, multilingualism has already become an indispensable condition for the sustainable development of a country; bilingual approaches are being replaced by multilingual approaches. There is an acute issue in the organization of consistent and systematic training on a multilingual basis. Despite the status of these areas, there are a number of contradictions, the main of which is that describing multilingual education as a system they do not address its latent potential, especially in the field of motivation development. In this situation, the way out is to develop a fundamentally new concept of multilingual education, which provides a synthesis of linguistic, meta-subject and intercultural components in order to form a positive motivation for learning among high school students. This model is presented as a complex system of interaction between the personalities of the teacher and the student and their activities under the influence of external factors based on the principles of multilingual education, which is implemented in the process of immediate and proactive pedagogical assistance. The paper describes factors (individual, educational and social), conditions (the formation of personal interest and the use of the principles of multilingual education) and stages (initial, transitional, main and final) of motivation development, as well as goals, objectives and methods of each stage. The designed model will allow teachers to study and analyze the levels of educational motivation development, adjust it during training and use the untapped potential of multilingualism in a real pedagogical situation.

About the authors

Valentina Vasilievna Bool

Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Gymnasium No. 83, Tyumen

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7529-4603

postgraduate student of the Academic Chair of Methodology and Theory of Social and Pedagogical Research, teacher

Russian Federation


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