Evidence-based education studies

Peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly since 2010.


Publisher & Founder

Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
WEB: https://www.tltsu.ru/en 



Mikhail M. Krishtal
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
 ResearcherID ORCID



Languages: Russian, English.

Periodicity: quarterly  (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 30).

There are no publication fees or fees payable to authors.

The Journal offers authors direct open access to its content.

The journal is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Journals of Higher Attestation Commission, and the research results of a DSc or CSc thesis are recommended to be published in the journal.

For the Russian Science Citation Index, full bibliographic description of all papers are indexed and listed in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU.

The Subjects for Publishing

The Journal publishes original articles by specialties of “PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES” and “PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES”. The journal publishes original papers in the following areas:

  • General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education 
  • Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Education (by areas and levels of education)
  • Methodology and Technology of Vocational Education 
  • General Psychology, Psychology of Personality, History of Psychology 
  • Labour Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Cognitive Ergonomics 
  • Developmental Psychology, Acmeology

Current Issue

No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Pedagogical Sciences

The impact of organizational commitment on rural teachers’ retention: a moderated mediation study
Wang Z., Zhen Y., Yu Q.

The study aims to reveal the mechanisms by which organizational commitment influences the retention of rural teachers and how environmental fit and condition support modulate this relationship. It specifically examined the mediating role of environmental fit and the moderating role of supportive conditions in their relationship. A survey was conducted among 4,746 rural teachers across ten regions in Heilongjiang Province. The findings indicate: (1) There is a significant positive correlation between organizational commitment and the willingness of rural teachers to stay; (2) Environmental fit acts as a mediator in the relationship between organizational commitment and the retention intention of rural teachers; (3) Supportive conditions not only moderate the direct prediction of organizational commitment on the retention of rural teachers but also the predictive effect of organizational commitment on environmental fit. Therefore, to more effectively retain rural teachers, the following effective measures can be taken: optimize the rural educational environment to enhance teachers’ organizational commitment; refine recruitment and training systems to improve the fit of rural teachers with the rural environment; establish a monitoring system for the retention of rural teachers to enhance local educational supervision and accountability mechanisms.

Evidence-based education studies. 2024;(3):7-22
pages 7-22 views
Use of case study technologies based on feature films in teaching business English at a university
Konoplyuk N.V.

In the modern world, proficiency in foreign languages has become an important factor for successful employment and career growth. However, lack of motivation and sufficient speech practice can become an obstacle on the way to the formation of the necessary speech skills. In this regard, as a solution to this problem, the use of case study technology is proposed. The author of the study has developed a series of cases based on feature films in English, aimed at students of levels B1 and B2. The aim of the work was to create methodological recommendations for designing cases based on films and their implementation in English classes. The author examines the stages of case design, starting from formulating the problem and choosing a film to organizing classes using the developed cases. The paper emphasizes that the use of feature films as a basis for case studies activates the listening skills in a foreign language, enriches students’ vocabulary and stimulates their active participation in the discussion of the issue. The author comes to the conclusion that film-based cases contribute to the activation of students’ interaction in a foreign language, develop their communicative skills and teamwork skills, as well as formation of professional skills. In addition, the use of those cases facilitate the development of such soft skills as information analysis, critical thinking, and activity planning. Thus, the study demonstrates that the educational approach based on the use of feature films contributes to more effective teaching of English, improves the quality of the learning process, and increases students’ motivation in general.

Evidence-based education studies. 2024;(3):23-30
pages 23-30 views
Teaching General Physical Training discipline in the format of distance learning
Koshkina T.V.

The issues of teaching the General Physical Training discipline in the distance learning format and the development of distance courses of sports disciplines in the period before the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated self-isolation were practically not studied. The contradiction between the active introduction of distance learning in modern universities and insufficient experience and methodological elaboration of this issue in relation to teaching sports disciplines causes the problem of maintaining the quality of teaching the General Physical Training discipline in the distance learning format. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological support, test and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching the General Physical Training discipline in the distance learning format. Students of the Faculty of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism of the Mari State University, 44 young men aged 17 to 19, participated in the study in the form of a pedagogical experiment. The results indicate that, in general, the development of physical qualities of students of the experimental group was no worse than in the control group, and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of students of the experimental group was better than that of students of the control group. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge, the development of speed and flexibility of students during the transition to distance teaching of the General Physical Training discipline practically do not lose quality compared to full-time education, and solving the problems of developing strength, endurance and coordination abilities of students requires additional methodological work on the part of the teacher.

Evidence-based education studies. 2024;(3):31-38
pages 31-38 views
Challenges of tertiary higher education in the framework of highly qualified teacher training in Ghana
Yakovlev A.I.

The study of the features of the educational system of the Republic of Ghana in the context of the third stage of higher education is necessary for the further development of Russian-Ghanaian relations and the growth of partnership projects between higher educational institutions of Russia and Ghana. A proper understanding of the educational system of the Republic of Ghana, as well as the existing problems in the training of postgraduate students and possible ways to solve them, can help to improve the training process of highly qualified teaching staff. The purpose of the work is to reveal the problems of the third stage of higher education in the context of teacher training, and identify possible ways to solve them. The study analyses: 1) the characteristics of the higher education sector in the Republic of Ghana, in particular its tertiary level; 2) existing state initiatives in the country to improve the training of highly qualified teaching staff on the third stage of higher education; 3) statistics characterizing the current situation of postgraduate studies within the framework of higher education in the country; 4) the challenges emerging in the training of highly qualified teachers in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as their relevance to tertiary education in the Republic of Ghana. The study has identified the following difficulties that affect the process of writing and successful defense of dissertations: insufficient awareness of graduate students about further prospects for their employment with a PhD; insufficient financial security of postgraduate students; insufficient level of scientific supervision and excessive academic workload on supervisors of dissertation research. The study proposes solutions to the existing problems, such as increasing financial incentives for high-achieving PhD students, increasing control over the process of scientific supervision, placing greater emphasis on conducting interdisciplinary research and establishing partnerships with other countries of the African continent, and developing existing interaction with states outside Africa, including the Russian Federation.

Evidence-based education studies. 2024;(3):39-47
pages 39-47 views

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