No 4 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 5
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Pedagogical Sciences
Worldview issues in military pedagogical schools of Russia
The paper considers the features of the formation of the professional worldview of officers in military pedagogical schools from the mid-17th century to the present. The importance of the study is emphasized by the optimization of educational systems in military universities taking into account the requirements of the modern armed forces. The formation of personal qualities established by federal educational standards is not enough to form a set of views of an officer on his military-professional activity. The main idea of the study is to identify the worldview priority in the process of professional education in educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense. The authors analyzed the military-pedagogical approaches of Peter I, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Dragomirov, as well as the concepts of Soviet and post-Soviet formation of the army as a whole. The problem-chronological method was used to compare the features of the historical reality of each period with the concept of professional education of an officer proposed by a representative of this period. The analysis of the content of the educational systems of each of the considered military pedagogical schools allowed the authors to single out the formation of the military servant’s worldview as part of an independent pedagogical tradition and the main focus of all military pedagogical systems. Maintaining the principle of the priority of the worldview formation over other educational goals, Russian military pedagogical schools in each historical period create their own value and ideological systems. Despite the cardinal historical changes and the diversity of views of representatives of certain military pedagogical schools in Russia, a line of historical continuity is traced. The results of the study allow talking about the necessity of optimizing the system of professional education of officers in the process of their training in military educational organizations in favor of the focused formation of a professional worldview.

The use of authentic song lyrics at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language
The aim of the research is to design an extensive lesson plan for foreign students learning Russian. The teaching materials are based on the song “Smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky) from the cartoon “Baby Raccoon” and include exercises to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as exposure to the culture of the country. The authors use a specific example to demonstrate the importance of an interactive form of learning, and provide the main results of the experiment. The study involved humanities students of the South Ural State University preparatory department. The methods of survey, testing and questionnaires using the Likert scale were used to analyze the results of the study before and after working with the song material. To assess students’ knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, a test was conducted which consisted of multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The results of the analysis show that students enjoy working with the text of the lyrics in class; learning Russian with the help of songs motivates to learn new material and allows to form linguistic, communicative and cultural competence, develops speaking, listening and pronunciation skills, practices the necessary grammar patterns, and enhances vocabulary. Thus, experience of working with foreign students shows that it is useful to build the educational process in a new way, using interactive opportunities and combining them with classical methods for effective learning in modern education. The practical significance of the presented materials is in the development of a ready-made lesson, which can be used by teachers of humanitarian disciplines who work with foreign students with different levels of proficiency in the Russian language.

Research on the impact of embedded cultivation on the willingness of local normal university students to teach in rural schools
Embedded cultivation is a major measure for local universities to address the shortage of professional capital for normal students to teach in rural schools. Based on the survey data of 11,882 local college normal students in five provinces, the research investigated whether embedded cultivation enhances the willingness of local normal university students to teach in rural schools. The research has found that there is a moderate positive correlation between the form, content, and methods of embedded cultivation and the willingness of normal students to teach in rural schools. However, in contrast, bidirectional, transformative, and continuous embedding, acquiring the norms and values of rural teachers, and developing professional competencies in rural education are more important. With the increase in the intensity of embedded cultivation, it has enhanced the willingness of normal students to teach in rural schools, but not all embedded cultivation content has played a positive role. Only formal embedding, developing professional competencies in rural education, and bidirectional embedding can play a positive guiding role. To enhance the willingness of normal students to teach in rural schools, we should strengthen the bidirectional nature of embedded cultivation and enhance the professional matching between normal school students and rural schools; fully implement embedded content to enhance the intrinsic motivation of normal students to teach in rural schools; adopt a multi-dimensional intervention approach to guide normal students to have a correct understanding of teaching in rural schools.

Psychological sciences
Study of the functional state of the body when assessing emotional burnout of teachers working with children with autism spectrum disorders
Teachers of resource classes and educational centers for children with autism spectrum disorders participated in the study. The comparison group consisted of teachers working with neurotypical children. The research methods were a standardized interview, methodology for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout (V.V. Boyko, 1998), clinical questionnaire for identifying and assessing neurotic states by K.K. Yakhin, D.M. Mendelevich The functional state of the body was determined based on indicators of the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The study identified that among teachers working with children with autism spectrum disorders, there are significantly more people both with emotional burnout manifestations and with a suboptimal functional state of the body. However, a reliable relationship between the indicators of these studies was revealed only in the presence of the exhaustion phase according to V.V. Boyko, and in this case, it can be considered from the point of view of distress according to G. Selye. The study of the functional state of the body in individuals with psychological symptoms corresponding to the tension and resistance phases and neurotic manifestations showed that, on the one hand, emotional stress does not always lead to a violation of the psychophysiological state of the body; on the other hand, its absence does not always indicate the normal functioning of the body, the activity of which can be disrupted and lead to a pre-disease (disease) without obvious signs of emotional stress and complaints of poor health. The study of the functional state of the body can significantly supplement the study of signs of emotional burnout with psychological testing methods and allow a more objective assessment of the psychophysiological state of teachers, determine approaches to the prevention and correction of emotional burnout.

External and internal goals in the structure of the life position of youth
The paper deals with the analysis of the relationships between the life position and goals of young people in the conditions of the tense and chaotic modern world. Harmony, activity and awareness of the life position were examined using the “Questionnaire of the Life Position of the Personality” (LPP) method by D.A. Leontiev, A.E. Shilmanskaya; external and internal goals were studied by the “Index of Aspirations” questionnaire (T. Kasser, R. Ryan, adaptation by T.O. Gordeeva, O.A. Sycheva, V.A. Egorov). The concept of life position included the unity of harmony, activity and awareness; internal and external goals were revealed through the phenomena of self-expression, relationships, community, appearance (physical attractiveness), fame (popularity), and influence. Correlation analysis allowed recording the following significant trends: the presence of positive relationships between awareness and the desire for self-expression, building interpersonal relationships; negative relationships between the desire for fame and awareness, active life position. The focus on self-expression, realization of personal potential, building a system of personal and business connections, increasing competence, acquiring social recognition, competence, and efficiency are considered the characteristic features of the adolescent period. The study noted a tendency towards a decrease in the desire for fame. Data analysis confirms the increased importance of internal aspirations and goals in building a life outline, implementing activities to build one’s own life. A conscious choice of life goals reduces the role of external determinants of goal-setting. The study revealed that the priority of external or internal goals does not serve as a prerequisite for life position harmony in the adolescent period. This fact emphasizes the subjective significance of active involvement in activities promoting self-expression, self-affirmation and self-realization of an individual.