No 1 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 7
- URL:
Published 31.03.2023
Full Issue
Pedagogical Sciences
Assessment task analysis: review of foreign approaches
The assessment task is one of the key factors in achieving an accurate, reliable and valid assessment. The effectiveness of assessment is directly dependent on the characteristics of the task and its compliance with the requirements. The analysis of foreign theoretical sources made it possible to identify various analytical procedures used by researchers and practitioners to identify certain aspects of the assessment task. At the same time, we draw attention to the lack of their systematization. This narrows the possibilities of identifying the qualitative parameters of the assessment task, which results in a decrease in the assessment reliability. The purpose of the study is to identify approaches to the analysis of the assessment task proposed by foreign researchers and to streamline them based on the differentiation of the focus of the analysis. The study was carried out by continuous search of theoretical sources in international scientific databases of full-text publications based on thematic keywords. As a result, 18 publications were selected, which reflect different analytical procedures used to determine the quality of the assessment task as a didactic category. The study of publications allowed to identify the following approaches: integrative, authentic, didactic, cognitive, linguistic and an approach based on the theory of educational assessment. Each approach reflects specific parameters related directly to operations, activities, characteristics, etc., necessary for the effective assessment procedure. Approaches to task analysis are focused on identifying the internal parameters of the task (compliance with the requirements of real life situations; consistency with the psychological and pedagogical patterns of organizing educational activities; taking into account language characteristics in task instructions; correlation of cognitive operations necessary to complete the task with the requirements of complexity, accessibility, expediency, etc.; compliance with the requirements of valid, reliable and fair assessment activities), and its potential in the context of the educational process as a means of influencing the student and the educational process itself. The systematization of the approaches to the assessment task becomes a factor in the development of practical tools that ensure quality of the assessment task for the effective organization of the educational process.
Special aspects of formation of sight translation skills
Teaching sight translation is an integral part of translators' professional training, and it requires applying didactic measurements that increase students' motivation. The topic of didactic measurements in teaching sight translation is insufficiently developed in the contemporary international and domestic translation didactics and needs to be clarified. This paper aims to describe the didactic quantitative and qualitative measurements obtained and substantiated through applied theoretical and empirical research methods. The translation speed and evaluation of translation quality according to the scale of compliance with the norms of the target language are proposed as sight translation didactic measurements, which were identified and substantiated in the didactic experiment. The experiment involved 10 students in their fourth year of studying translation and interpretation at the Southern Federal University during the sixth and seventh semesters. The research describes relevant variables and results of the didactic experiment in sight translation training at the initial stage (4.2–4.3 printed characters per second). Translation speed was measured for translation from and into the foreign language in routine and stressful environments. Translation errors were analyzed, classified, and counted. The procedural difficulties of sight translation were observed and discussed with the students. Qualitative and quantitative measurements and their correlation in dynamics were compared. Diagnostic and boundary measurements of sight translation speed for the first year of translation training are proposed. Common and individual factors influencing the process of translation from the worksheets at the initial stage are found in the research; they include translation from or into the native language, the level of education, the speed of translation, the language pair, the stressful environment, the speed of reading, the density of the text, and the number of translation errors. It is proved that the speed and quality of translation in the course of the research grew unevenly, the speed of translation from a foreign language into Russian and the other way depends on the speed of reading in both languages.
Comparative analysis of the requirements for phonological competence in oral communication in Russian and international examinations in English
The number of high school graduates taking the final exam in foreign languages is constantly growing. Changes in the CEFR documents that regulate and describe the levels of foreign language proficiency have caused the necessity to reconsider traditional views on pronunciation standards and assessment of the speaking part of international English language exams. The paper focuses on the assessment of the level of proficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech. The authors provide a comparative analysis of the criteria for assessing the level of proficiency in phonological competence in various language exams. Russian and international English language exams apply different requirements to the phonological competence of a test taker. Changes to the descriptors, specifications and assessment criteria for the speaking part of the National State Examination in English are proposed based on the global trend for speech clarity instead of the accent closest to the sound of a native speaker. Introduction of the changes leads to development of an optimal strategy for preparing students for various language exams. The study formulates provisions that will navigate the process of exam preparation for the NSE in the English language. Students are advised to focus on the clarity of speech, to adhere to the rhythmic and intonation patterns of the statement, which should correspond with the communicative task. An important role is given to the intensity of speech and clarity of articulation, the demonstration of willingness and desire to start communication. Students are not recommended to stick to a certain accent typical for native speakers trying to imitate their pronunciation.
On the issue of methodological support in teaching professionally oriented reading (based on the material of advertising texts in English)
Introduction of methodological techniques for teaching reading of advertising texts into the academic activities is determined by the necessity to identify effective forms of work with authentic advertising texts of a pragmatic nature at foreign language practical classes to form students’ linguistic competence, contributing to the practical use of foreign language as a means of obtaining information from foreign sources. The authors focus on the linguistic approach to teaching reading advertising texts taking into account the country-specific information contained in them. The paper describes the effective forms of work in foreign language classes through modeling various communication situations based on the material of advertising articles. Special attention is paid to the linguistic analysis of advertising texts in English, which contributes to the development of the ability to conduct a cultural study of these texts as a means of intercultural communication, forms the skills of critical comprehension of the information contained in the texts and the ability to interact with native speakers. The authors claim that in order to develop the ability to analyze professionally oriented texts in a foreign language, a socio-cultural approach should be applied – it is aimed at the selection of authentic pragmatic texts, including advertising. The paper presents the forms of methodological support for teaching reading of advertising texts in English as a purposeful interaction of students with the author of an advertising text, based on the principle of modern educational paradigm that involves forming skills of reading professionally oriented texts based on the system of communicative tasks that contribute to the implementation of subject-subject interaction when communicating, exchanging thoughts, knowledge, ideas and facts. The authors are considering a foreign language advertising text as an object of reading in communicative, pragmatic, linguistic and cognitive aspects.
Psychological sciences
The influence of axiological sphere of a person on the psychological readiness for entrepreneurial activity
The paper studies the influence of values and socio-psychological attitudes towards the psychological readiness for entrepreneurship of the students of humanitarian training programs. The study is caused by the demand of the government for the search, development, and support of initiative young people who are focused on entrepreneurial activity, who want to carry on individual business and benefit society. The empirical study sample involves the Humanities students. The research was carried out on the base of the laboratory of V.G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University. The M. Rokeach Value Survey, O.F. Potemkina’s “Social-Psychological Attitudes of a Personality in the Motivation-Need Sphere” test, and E.K. Klimova’s “The Diagnosis of Psychological Readiness for Entrepreneurial Activity” questionnaire were the diagnostic tools. The authors compiled the ranking of values and attitudes of students in the motivation-need sphere. It was determined that for the surveyed students, the concrete values – “health” and “self-confidence” are the most significant, and the abstract values, not related to their ego – “the beauty of nature” and “happiness of others” are the least significant. Among values-means, action and communication values and ethic values are significant. The students manifested a dominant attitude towards freedom and a low level of general psychological readiness for entrepreneurship combined with the pronounced intention to become entrepreneurs and high enterprise self-esteem. The authors established the influence of values and socio-psychological attitudes towards the psychological readiness for entrepreneurial activity of the Humanities students. The values of active life and life wisdom, the focus on money, freedom, altruism, and selfishness play an activating role in it.
Subjective perceptions of social success in adolescence
The paper presents the results of an empirical study on the problem of social success. The relevance of the topic is caused by the necessity to organize the career guidance work and to provide psychological and pedagogical support in the process of personal formation of adolescents under the uncertainty and variability. The study was aimed to identify the peculiarities of the ideas of adolescents about the social success of a person in modern society and to study the level of evaluation of their own social success. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of secondary schools of Murmansk. The study involved 50 students of the 8–9 grades aged 14–15. The researchers used the “Successful Person” technique of G.R. Khuzeeva in the author’s modification, which included the construction of extra questions aimed to identify self-esteem of the respondents’ social success and the qualities, which help them to be successful. The study identified that teenagers associated social success with business qualities, such as purposefulness, hard work, and efficiency; they also understand the necessity of good education and well-developed communication skills to achieve success. The analysis of the results of the adolescents’ assessment of their own social success showed that 14 % of respondents rated their social success highly, 66 % of respondents rated their social success at an intermediate level and 20 % of respondents gave low ratings of their own social success. The obtained results formed the basis for the program of psychological and pedagogical support of adolescents in the process of professional and personal formation.
Self-preservation and self-change: framing of Self- in the conditions of its forced disorganization
The modern global processes of geopolitical and economic repartition of the world determine the relevance of the analysis of framing by a subject of Self- in the states of self-organization and self-disorganization of its system. The paper considers the consequences of these “turbulent” processes for framing the Self-, when in the changed conditions and situations of uncertainty, the previous frames that determined the procedures of stereotypical behavior became ineffective. During the research, using the descriptive and diachronic methods, the author summarized the results of the analysis of the phenomenology of framing the Self- in its historical and axiomatic perspectives. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic framing levels and their correlations with different life styles, social adaptation and self-realization scenarios, motives, and self-determination of a subject are analyzed and interpreted. The system organization of framing the Self- is represented by four subsystems (cognitive, motivational, activity-based, and regulatory) differing in the content of hyperframes, subframes, and the results of framing. The paper shows the main differences between self-organization and disorganization of framing: the dominant of the paradigmatic or syntagmatic level, systemacity –the amorphy of frames and their adaptive plasticity – rigidity. The author systematized the factors of dominance in a subject of one or another framing level: the nature of self-identification and self-determination, the significance of perceptual-cognitive-affective Self- formations, the degree of rigidity of schemes and automatism of actualization of stereotypical scenarios, the modality of self-determination. As a way out of the state of forced Self- framing disorganization, the author highlights the self-preservation and self-change variants and determines the predictors of the choice of each option. The main conclusions are, firstly, the regularity of the forced disorganization of Self- and its framing in a contemporary, his/her need to preserve Self-, and, secondly, the conditionality of the choice of self-preservation or self-change by the history of his/her conceptual framework of Self-.